
Why Colombia?

Colombian medicine is recognized in Latin America and worldwide as a pioneer and leader in the provision of health services, which has positioned the country as one of the most attractive destinations in terms of medical treatments.

In fact, Colombia has been working for years on the consolidation and search for excellence in its health services, offering a highly competitive context and great strengths.

Thanks to partnerships between the government sector, private companies, experts and scientists, and with positive changes in administrative and managerial terms, a large portfolio of medical and surgical services has been created to provide patients with the highest quality services and services. international size.

Patients in Colombia can find:

High quality standards: which has an impact on patient safety.
Technology and infrastructure: that allow to treat really complex patients.
Knowledge: the medical and paramedical health personnel has been trained in the main hospitals and universities of the world. This has allowed Colombia, besides being very competitive in prices, to maintain the highest quality standards.
Warmth in the service: there is always a kind treatment by the staff in charge of the patient.
Innovation and research: the country has been a pioneer in diagnostics, treatments and surgeries.

Highly qualified professionals

Colombia is recognized for having high quality medical faculties. Cutting-edge spaces for medical practices and internationally renowned professors. Thanks to that, Colombian medicine is a world reference for its contribution to science and the quality of its professionals.

- The Colombian medical faculties have been strengthened thanks to the international mobility of their students and the generation of knowledge. This makes Colombia a benchmark for clinical studies in LATAM.

- The development of medical research during the last decades has turned Colombia into a center for scientific development. Every year a large number of forums, conventions and congresses of the highest standards are held and with the presence of the best doctors in the world.

Hospitals of high quality

According to "America Economia" published each year in the ranking of the best 50 medical and clinical centers in Latin America, in 2017 Colombia obtained the highest number of medical centers in this list with 20; followed by brazil with 10 and mexico and argentina with 4 each.

More Info

How is the weather in Bogotá?

Bogota is located on a high plateau in the Northern Andes Mountains. The city is 8661 feet above sea level (2640 meters) and has a subtropical highland climate which means it is cool during the day with average temperatures of 57°F during the day and 41°F at night. Summer months can produce temperatures in excess of 70°F during the day and winter months can produce below freezing temperatures at night. On average, temperatures in the Colombian capital remain relatively stable throughout the year as compared to more seasonal countries such as the USA, Europe and Australia.

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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ (Click Here)

Will my insurance cover this?

It depends upon the insurance plan you have. Our experts at SaludHealth USA have over 20 years experience working with insurance carriers to get procedures covered and claims paid.

Why don’t you post prices like other websites?

The reason we don’t post prices is because your health is much more than just dollars and cents. We have negotiated pricing you won’t find anywhere else, but the experience is much more than that.

What about air travel ? What about accommodations?

Other ‘facilitators’ simply quote price, and then leave you to make your own accommodations or flight arrangements. We have negotiated rates with hotel and private apartments (NOT AirBnB) to give you the best overall price on a complete package, not just the procedure itself.

It’s Colombia a safe place to go?

It is no secret to anyone that talking about Colombia years ago was synonymous with terrorism, drug trafficking and danger. Today things are different. Colombia has been recognized internationally for its breakthrough in security, its crime figures decrease every year and today it is seen as an economic and social miracle.

The numbers of visitors to Colombia have increased year by year. Currently 4 million foreigners visit the country for different reasons (Pleasure, business, medical tourism). Today Colombia is seen with different eyes and the world discovers the wonders of this beautiful place.

What documents will I need to travel abroad?

For your trip you only need your valid passport to leave and enter the USA again. Colombia does not require visas for American visitors. If you have any questions, contact our service team. And you can stay en Colombia foy 180 Days.

+01 310 734 8890 USA
+57 320 838 4500 Colombia
SUITE #379 7582 Las vegas Boulevard 1009, Las Vegas 89123 NV

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All providers are independent and are not employees of Salud Health USA, LLC or its affiliates. All information about providers is their own and Salud Health USA, LLC does not warrant the information nor their services in any way. Salud Health USA is a medical services facilitator and not a medical provider.